Kuvituskuva Happy cheerful students having fun in library

Student Life

Student Welfare Services
All students have access to a school nurse, school social worker, and a school psychologist if needed. More information about these services can be found in the study guide.

All class schedules will be updated and published in Wilma, which is a webservice used to publish information related to studies. Students receive their own Wilma usernames and passwords upon acceptance to Novida.

Lessons begin and end at the exact time as stated in the schedule.

Students must participate in teaching according to the schedule. Separate instructions are applied to absences.

The student is required to participate in the education at school and at the work place if he/she doesn’t have any justified excuse. The teachers follow students’ absences and mark them in Wilma. It is the student’s resposibility to inform his/her teachers about possible absences and discuss how they can be compensated. The student should inform the coordinating teacher at the latest on the first day of his/her absence.

Frequent absences may affect the allowances granted by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) and eventually lead to interruption of studies. If the student is absent for two weeks or more without informing his/her coordinating teacher, a notification will be sent to the school’s office and from there on to Kela.

The following cases justify an absence:
–          absences applied and permitted beforehand
–          illness (requires a doctor’s certificate)
–          appointments with the school’s welfare services
–          driving test
–          enrolment for military service
–          representative tasks at school
–          caring for a sick child under 12 years

The person granting the permission
–          for individual lessons, the teacher
–          for 1-3 days, coordinating teacher
–          for 4-14 days, head of department

for a longer period, assistant principal

School Lunch
Students are entitled to one free meal per school day. Lunch time is specifically scheduled for each study department, and any special arrangements must be agreed upon in advance by the student or teacher and the manager of the school cafeteria.

If you have any dietary restrictions related to a health condition, please notify the school cafeteria.

We look forward to welcoming you as a new student at Novida!