1. Contact Information
E-mail addresses of the personnel are in form firstname.lastname@novida.fi (Note: ä->a, ö->o)
Novida – Vocational and General Upper Secondary Education and Training
Myllykyläntie 8, 32200 Loimaa, tel. (02) 760810
Head principal: Petri Lähde, tel. 040 900 1340
Lieto campus
Opintie 1, 21420 Lieto
Pajakuja 4, 21420 Lieto
Principal: Timo Kulmala, tel 044 090 1223
Head of department: Pauli Karihtala, tel. 040 752 6899
· Vocational Qualification in Construction (Pajakuja)
· Vocational Qualification in Social and Health Care (Opintie)
· Vocational Qualification in Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology (Vakiotie)
Head of department: Petri Järvinen, tel. 040 621 5454
· Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration (Opintie)
Head of department: Aleksi Lehikoinen, tel. 044 705 6589
· Vocational Qualification in Logistics (Vakiotie)
Office: Mia-Maria Toivonen, tel. 044 722 0164
Student councellor: Kaisa Kastio-Moisio, tel. 044 0901 225
School social worker: Liisa Lähde tel. 040 182 4122
School nurse: Johanna Holm, tel. 050 343 9971
School psychologist: Kalle Kivijärvi, puh. 040 849 3132
Loimaa campus
Hämeentie campus
Hämeentie 238, 32200 Loimaa
Office: Tuija Ekholm, tel. 040 900 8454
Principal: Santtu Palokangas, 040 640 2244
Student councellor: Päivi Keinonen, tel. 040 543 6432
School nurse: Tiia Reunanen, tel. 050 311 4737
School social worker: Pirkko-Liisa Marttila, tel. 050 328 3314, pirkko-liisa.marttila@varha.fi
Myllykylä campus
Myllykyläntie 8, 32200 Loimaa
Office: Tiina Mäkilä, tel. 040 900 8451
Principal: Santtu Palokangas, 040 640 2244
Student councellor: Sari Jalonen, tel. 040 900 1587
School nurse: Eevamaija Verho, tel. 02 761 2331 / 050 311 4670
School social worker: Pirkko-Liisa Marttila, tel. 050 328 3314, pirkko-liisa.marttila@varha.fi
Turuntie campus
Turuntie 31, 32200 Loimaa
Office: Merja Haonperä, tel. 040 900 8452
Principal: Santtu Palokangas, 040 640 2244
Student councellor: Ulla Mellin, tel. 040 900 1331
School nurse: Eevamaija Verho, tel. 02 761 2331 / 050 311 4670
School social worker: Moonica Juhala-Nuutila, tel. 044 353 5206
School psychologist: Jarna Varho, tel. 050 331 5646
Heads of departments:
Petri Järvinen, tel. 040 621 5454
· Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression
· Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration
· Vocational Qualification in the Textiles and Fashion Industry
· Vocational Qualification in Social and Health Care
· Vocational Qualification in Arts and Design
Riitta Mäki, tel. 040 614 8833
· Vocational Qualification in the Vehicle Sector
· Vocational Qualification in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology
· Vocational Qualification in Logistics
· Vocational Qualification in Agriculture
Satu Kaurala, tel. 044 090 1214
· Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services
· Vocational Qualification in Hairdressing and Beauty Care
· Vocational Qualification in Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
· Vocational Qualification in Construction
· Vocational Qualification in Building Maintenance Technology
Uusikaupunki campus
Viikaistenkatu 1, 23500 Uusikaupunki
Office: Satu Hakamäki-Niskala, tel. 040 723 0081, Nina Schultz, tel. 040 185 2017
Principal: Timo Kulmala, tel 044 090 1223
Student counsellor: Pasi Junttanen, tel. 044 088 6342, Heidi Yli-Kaila 040 191 6213
School nurse: Sini Sillvan, tel. 044 700 6208, Suvi Luotonen, tel. 044 757 5332
School social worker: Kristiina Kaupinsalo, tel. 040 485 6421, Kirsi Gustafsson tel. 040 195 6163
Heads of departments:
Suvi Laurikkala, tel. 050 376 1046
· Vocational Qualification in Process industry
· Vocational Qualification in Food production
· Vocational Qualification in Restaurant and Catering Services
· Vocational Qualification in Social and Health Care
· Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration
Aleksi Lehikoinen, tel. 044 705 6589
· Vocational Qualification in Construction
· Vocational Qualification in Logistics
· Vocational Qualification in Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology
· Vocational Qualification in the Vehicle Sector
Pauli Karihtala, tel. 040 752 6899
· Vocational Qualification in Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
2. Studying
Weekly schedules can be found at Wilma (www.novida.inschool.fi).
School year 2021-2022 and holidays
- Autumn semester in Lieto and Uusikaupunki 9.8. – 22.12.2021, in Loimaa 9.8. – 19.12.2021
- Spring semester in Lieto and Uusikaupunki 8.1.- 3.6.2022, in Loimaa 2.1. – 3.6.2022
- Autumn holiday in Lieto and Uusikaupunki 11. – 15.10.2021, in Loimaa 18. – 22.10.2021
- Winter holiday 21. – 25.2.2022
At the beginning of studies
When accepted into a vocational programme a personal competence development plan (HOKS) will be drawn up for each student, together with the coordinating teacher and student. The plan charts and recognises previously acquired skills and outlines what kind of competences the student needs and how they will be acquired in different learning environments. Students may have obtained relevant skills from working life, another school, international study or work placement periods. HOKS will be updated in Wilma during the studies.
Wilma is a student administration and schedule programm, where a student can check grades and homework, read announcements, follow the progress of his/her studies and communicate with teachers.
In Wilma a teacher can for example grade students, register absences and update students’ personal study plans. Teacher can also communicate with students and guardians.
Students will get a personal user ID and a password at the beginning of the studies. They should be written down immediately and kept safe. The user ID and password are for logging into the following websites and services:
- school computers
- Wilma
- Moodle
- Itslearning
- Office365
Approximately 230 teachers and other staff members work at Novida’s three campuses, Uusikaupunki, Loimaa and Lieto. The number of full time students is ca. 2100.
It is possible to study vocational qualifications, further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualifications, as well as individual study units. You can also complete the Finnish matriculation examination and even courses from the university of applied sciences.
Vocational education and training in Novida
There are 17 vocational qualifications to choose from and many of them include different competence areas. Furthermore we offer chargeable in-service training and further education.
The vocational qualifications are:
- Artisan in Textiles, Clothing and Interior Decorating (Loimaa)
- Beauty Therapist (Loimaa)
- Business and Administration (Lieto, Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Cook (Uusikaupunki and cook and waiter in Loimaa)
- Driver, Articulated Lorry Driver, Bus Driver, Stock Keeper (Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Electrician / Automation assembler (Lieto, Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Hairdresser (Loimaa)
- House Builder (Lieto, Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Machinist, mechanical fitter, plater-welder (Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Media Assistant (Loimaa)
- Plumber (Loimaa)
- Practical Nurse (Lieto, Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
- Process Operator (Uusikaupunki)
- Rural Entrepreneur (Loimaa)
- Vehicle Mechanics (Loimaa and Uusikaupunki)
The structure of vocational qualification
The vocational qualifications consist of vocational qualification units (145 competence units) and common units (35 units). This 180 competence units include optional study units and about 60 competence units of on-the-job training. The acquired competence is proved in competence demonstrations at the workplace.
Further and specialist vocational qualifications
Novida offers the following further and specialist vocational qualifications:
Further vocational qualifications:
- Education and Guidance
- Machine Mechanics and Maintenance
- Transport Sector
- Business
- First-Level Management
- Agriculture
- Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
- Arts and Design
- Building Construction
- Textiles and Fashion Industry
- Production Technology
- Entrepreneurship
Specialist vocational qualifications:
- Property management
- Leadership and business management
- First-Level Management in Production
- Product Development
More information about vocational qualifications in English can be found here.
Novida has the right to organize preparatory education for vocational qualification (TUVA).
Apprenticeship training is one possible way to complete a vocational qualification.
Common units
Here are the common units and optional qualification units, which are compulsory for all degree students.
- Communication and interaction competence, 11 competence points
- Communication and interaction in mother tongue (or Finnish as a second language), 4
- Communication and interaction in the second national language, Swedish 1
- Communication and interaction in a foreign language, 3
- Operating in a digital environment, 2
- Art and creative expression, 1
- Skills in mathematics and natural sciences, 6 competence points
- Mathematics and application of mathematics, 4
- Physical and chemical phenomena and their application, 2
- Citizenship and working life competence, 9 competence points
- Operating as a member of society and a citizen, 2
- Operating in the world of work, 2
- Study and career planning capabilities, 1
- Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities, 1
- Maintaining ability to work and wellbeing at work, 2
- Promotion of sustainable development, 1
Furthermore a student must choose optional study units for 9 competence points.
Recognition of prior learning
If you have prior studies or work experience you can get your competence recognized. Your competence can be recognized either by including your previous studies directly into the new degree or by showing your skills and competence for the evaluating teacher and getting a new grade. You can get further information about the recognition of prior learning from the student counsellor and your coordinating teacher.
The student has a right to receive feedback and evaluation from his progress during the studies. That way he/she is encouraged to achieve his/her personal goals and to develope self-evaluation skills.
The acquired professional skills and competence will be shown in competence demonstrations at the work place or at school. The student will prove that he/she has achieved the competence defined in the qualification requirements. The qualification requirements can be found on the website https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi.
The vocational and common study units of vocational qualification are evaluated in the scale of 1 – 5. In further and specialist vocational qualification is the competence evaluated in the scale of hyväksytty/hylätty (approved/disapproved). The following markings are also used in the transcript of record: sk (suoritus kesken – course incomplete), hyv (hyväksytty – approved), hyl (hylätty – disapproved).
The evaluators must have an adequate proficiency in order to be able to evaluate students equally and be acquainted with the national vocational requirements.
The periods of on-the-job training may vary. Usually it is conducted in two or three separate periods. Workplace instructors guide and induct students at the workplace. If the student has previously acquired practical competence in his/her field of study, it may be recognized as part of the study unit.
The student has a right to resit his/her competence demonstration if it is disapproved. He/she has also right to raise his/her already approved grade.
Special needs education
Special needs education will be offered to students who have learning disabilities or another need for it. The measures of special needs education will be discussed with the student (and his/her guardian), the coordinating teacher and the special education teacher, and written down into student’s personal competence development plan (HOKS) in Wilma. Typical forms of special education are learning in a small group and personal guidance and support. Vocational instructors quide students at the work shop and in other practical tasks. The purpose of special needs education is to assure that the student proceeds in his/her individual learning pathway and completes his/her degree.
Education provider must grant a qualification certificate for a student who has completed a vocational qualification degree. A certificate must also be granted if a student has completed individual vocational qualification units or has been expelled from school.
Dual qualification
Dual qualification means that a student can complete a matriculation examination while studying a vocational qualification. Part of the common units and optional qualification units are replaced by courses in the the upper secondary school (mathematics, Swedish, English, Finnish, humanities and natural sciences). Novida vocational school cooperates with the upper secondary schools in the area. The student counsellors can give more information about the dual qualification.
International activities
Novida is part of the international networks of FinnVET in China, ThaiGO and Erasmus+. We have co-operation with partner schools and organization in the following countries: Norway, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Northern Ireland, Thailand, China.
A student can do part of his/her practical training abroad. Requirements are that the student has turned 18 before the training period starts, he/she has no uncompleted courses and the student’s teachers and the school nurse can recommend him/her for the training period abroad.
More information about international activities in Novida:
Coordinator of International Activities and Contact Person in Lieto, Loimaa and Uusikaupunki
Josefiina Rausmaa, tel. 044 090 1326
3. Student welfare services
Student welfare services offer support for the students and enhance the psychological, physical and social welfare of the students.
Student counsellors
You can turn to student counsellors when you have questions about
- studies
- personal competence development plan (HOKS)
- further studies
School nurse
You can reach the school nurse at school during her reception hours. She can book an appointment to the school’s doctor if needed.
School’s social worker
The school’s social worker can help you with issues concerning
- learning disabilities
- problems with friends/other students
- arguments with other students, parents or teachers
- health
- problems with financial situation and living
- any other personal concerns or troubles
School psychologist
The school psychologist supports the student in the following issues
- the whole wellbeing of the student, mental and physical
- student’s psychological evaluation and writing reports and statements
- supporting the students and his/her family in difficult situations
- participating in the school’s crisis intervention
- quiding the students and his/her family to get help outside school
You can turn to this staff in any kind of questions and problems. All discussions are confidental.
4. Novida’s rules for discipline
1. Purpose and application of the rules for discipline
The purpose of the rules for discipline is to create a comfortable and safe working and learning environment for the members of the school community and to guarantee that the school’s goals are achieved. One of the goals is to teach and promote good manners and to create a communal learning environment.
These rules for discipline apply to students and staff and, where applicable, to visitors in all Novida’s campuses. The area of the educational organization is considered to be the school buildings with plot areas, which also include the road junctions and gate areas leading to them.
The rules should also be followed in other study-related situations, such as during on-the-job training, study and work excursions, business visits, virtual studies and social media.
In addition to the rules of discipline, other rules and instructions issued by Novida and the Southwest Finland municipal education and training consortium are to be followed.
2. Student rights and responsibilities
a) Student rights
The educational organization operates according to the Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan.
b) Student responsibilities
Lessons begin and end at the exact time as stated in the schedule.
Students must participate in teaching according to the schedule. Separate instructions are applied to absences.
A student must have the necessary study equipment with him/her in lessons, exams and other school events.
In accordance with good manners, outerwear – including caps and beanies – is taken off before going to the classroom.
The property of the school must be handled carefully. The liability for damage or loss of property is determined by the Tort Liability Act (412/74).
3. Safe and comfort learning
a) Fair behaviour
Members of the school community should treat each other appropriate and fairly. In lessons and workshops a peaceful working environment must be maintained. There is a separate instruction on early prevention and intervention of bullying and harassment. All events organized by the educational organization inside or outside the school area are considered as studying.
A photo or video taken of another person may not be published on the Internet, social media or other public place without their permission.
b) Movement during the school day
Vehicles must be parked in the area provided for them. When driving in school area, special care must be taken in to caution. Rescue routes must be kept clear and unobstructed.
Students are allowed to leave the school area during breaks and free period during the school day. Free period is not school time, so students move outside the school area on their own responsibility.
c) Taking care of cleanliness and the environment
Cleanliness and order must be followed in all school premises. Littering is prohibited and waste is sorted according to the instructions given.
d) Behavior in the school canteen
The outerwear and hats are taken off before entering the school canteen. In the lunch line, everyone is waiting their turn. Good manners and cleanliness are taken into account in the canteen. The cutlery, plates and glasses are taken to its proper place and the chair is lifted into place.
e) Security
The student is obliged to follow the instructions of the educational organization regarding work safety. An accident is immediately reported to the nearest teacher or other staff member and, if possible, the necessary first aid is given.
4. Use of computers, mobile phones and other mobile devices
The use of mobile devices during lessons is prohibited unless their use is specifically required for teaching. A photo or video taken of another person may not be published on the Internet, social media or any other public place without their permission.
5. Drugs and dangerous objects
The use of tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, e-cigarette and snuff), the use and possession of drugs, and being under the influence of drugs are prohibited in the school area and at all school-related events. Novida is a smoke-free school.
It is prohibited to bring to school such an object or substance, whose possession is prohibited by law or which may endanger one’s own or another’s safety.
Possession of edged weapons etc. and importing them into theory classes is prohibited.
6. Alarm situations
When an alarm occurs, everyone must act in accordance with the instructions of the Southwest Finland municipal education and training consortium. When a fire alarm goes off, everyone must move immediately to the assembly points.
7. Completion and violation of the rules of discipline
The pedagogical principal, principal or deputy principal may give instructions that supplement these rules of discipline and also other instructions.
Penalties for violating these rules shall be in accordance with the Vocational Education Act 531/2017, 85§.
8. Monitoring and reviewing the rules of discipline
The rules of discipline are regularly monitored and revised if necessary.
9. Inception
These rules are effective from August 1st, 2020.
Loimaa, 1.8.2020
Antti Virtanen
Managing Director at Southwest Finland Municipal Education and Training Consortium
5. Disciplinary action
According to the Vocational Education Act (531/2017 § 85), a student may be disciplined if he/she interferes with teaching, behaves violently or threateningly in a learning environment, acts fraudulently or otherwise violates the order of the educational organization or other study environment, refuses to present the results of a drug test, or has used drugs for nonmedical purposes in such a way that his/her ability to function is impaired.
The pedagogical principal decides whether the student receives a written warning. If the act is serious or if the student continues the above behavior after receiving a written warning, he or she may be expelled from the educational organization for a fixed period, not exceeding one year.
A student who interferes with teaching, behaves violently or threateningly, or endangers the life or health of another, may be ordered to leave the classroom or other space where teaching is given, or an event organized by the education provider, for the remaining lesson.
A student may be suspended for a maximum of three working days if there is a risk that the safety of another student or those working in an educational organization or other educational setting will suffer because of the student’s violent or threatening behavior or the teaching or related activities will be unreasonably disturbed.
If a student refuses to undergo examinations and tests to determine his or her state of health, he or she may be denied the right to study until he or she agrees to the necessary examinations. If a student refuses to provide the criminal record, he or she may be denied the right to study until he or she agrees to submit the criminal record.
The revocation and restoration of the right to study, temporary suspension, expulsion from the dormitory and suspension from the studies for up to three months will be decided by the pedagogical principal. Suspension for more than three months will be decided by a multi-member organ (SORA) appointed by the educational organization.
6. Absences
The student is required to participate in the education at school and at the work place if he/she doesn’t have any justified excuse. The teachers follow students’ absences and mark them in Wilma. It is student’s resposibility to inform his/her teachers about possible absences and discuss how they can compensate. The student should inform the coordinating teacher at the latest on the first day of his/her absence.
Frequent absences may affect the allowances granted by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) and eventually lead to interruption of studies. If the student is absent for two weeks or more without informing his/her coordinating teacher, a notification will be sent to the school’s office and from there on to Kela.
The following cases justify an absence:
- absences applied and permitted beforehand
- illness (requires a doctor’s certificate)
- appointments with the school’s welfare services
- driving test
- enrolment for military service
- representative tasks at school
- caring for a sick child under 12 years
The person granting the permission
- for individual lessons, the teacher
- for 1-3 days, coordinating teacher
- for 4-14 days, head of department
- for a longer period, deputy principal
7. Student life
Tuition Costs and Financial Assistance
Tuition at vocational school is free of charge. However, if necessary, the student can apply for a study grant and/or housing allowance. More information can be found on the following websites:
Temporary resignation
For a very good cause, such as health issues or military service, it is possible to resign temporarily from school. The students counsellor or the school’s social worker draws up an application together with the student and plans how and when the student can return to school.
School lunch
Students are entitled to one free meal per school day. Lunch time is specifically scheduled for each study department, and any special arrangements must be agreed upon in advance by the student or teacher and the manager of the school cafeteria.
If you have any dietary restrictions related to a health condition, please notify the school cafeteria.
Outerwear and hats are taken off before entering the school cafeteria. In the lunch line, everyone patiently waits their turn and takes only as much food as necessary. Good manners and cleanliness are expected of each student while in the cafeteria. After eating, the cutlery, plates and glasses are taken to their proper place and the chair is lifted into place.